Α.Σ.Π.Ρ.Ο.Σ. ( A.S.P.R.O.S. )


Γεωγραφικό Πλάτος : 40°, 53΄, 56¨ Β.

Γεωγραφικό Μήκος : 22°, 38΄, 05¨ Α.



C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

2024 September 30 03h28m UT, Teleskop: ASA Astrograph 12" f=3.6 Kamera: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Bel. LRGB 200/100/100/100 Sek. Farm Tivoli Namibia Gerald Rhemann, Michael Jäger, Denis Möller
© 2024 Gerald Rhemann, Michael Jäger, Denis Möller

The German comet group

Current comets (weekly) – 2024 September 29

  • 13P/Olbers                     9.0 mag   Vir        observations images 
  • C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)  3   mag   Leo        observations images   very low

Info  signs (  ) links to our German forum. If you don't understand anything please mail me, for I may add an English translation:

Results and Tools

Το -κόστους 10 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων- James Webb, που είναι πολύ ισχυρότερο από το Hubble και αποτελεί το ακριβότερο και ακριβέστερο διαστημικό τηλεσκόπιο που έχει ποτέ δημιουργηθεί, εκτοξεύθηκε τα Χριστούγεννα του 2021 και αναμένεται να τραβήξει τις πρώτες επιστημονικές εικόνες του φέτος το καλοκαίρι, έχοντας πια ακόμη καλύτερη εστίαση. Η πρώτη δοκιμαστική φωτογραφία του τηλεσκοπίου είχε τραβηχτεί τον Φεβρουάριο, αλλά ακόμη ήταν θολή, επειδή δεν είχαν γίνει οι δέουσες ρυθμίσεις.


The Edgar Wilson Award

IAUC 6936 announced the establishment of an award for amateur comet discoverers. Each Award is composed of a monetary award from the Edgar Wilson Charitable Trust Fund and an Award plaque (sample photographs via links below). The Award is allocated annually among the amateur astronomers who, using amateur equipment, have discovered one or more new comets. Only comets officially named for their discoverers shall be included in the annual count. Since particular recognition is to be given to the amateurs who discover the most comets, identical fractions of the total Award funds are allocated for each comet with an eligible discoverer, except that if the same comet is credited to more than one independent eligible discoverer, each discoverer shall receive a full fraction. If the discovery is made as the result of information produced or prepared by some other person, it shall not qualify for consideration. Eligible discoveries may be made by visual, photographic or electronic means.

The Award is administered by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), as the beneficiary under the Will of Edgar Wilson of Lexington, KY. This administration shall specifically be through the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT), which, with the advice of the Committee on Small Body Nomenclature (CSBN; formerly the Small Bodies Names Committee) of IAU Division III, has the responsibility for naming comets.

The funds available for the first annual Award amounted to approximately US$20000 (twenty thousand dollars), as a total amount to be split among the award winners for that year; in the years since the first Award, the amount of money available has oscillated considerably, usually below, but sometimes above, the first-year amount (evidently due to the investment policies of the bank trustees, which are kept confidential). For the purpose of this Award, the Award year is the period of twelve months beginning and ending on June 11.0 UT. The first Award was for the year ending on 1999 June 11.0. The Award is usually announced within a month after the end of each Award year.

To be eligible for the Award an individual must demonstrate:

  1. that he or she is acting in an amateur capacity, at least for the purpose of discovering the comet, and
  2. that only amateur, privately-owned equipment was used for the discovery.
In years when there are no eligible comet discoverers, the Award shall be made instead to the amateur astronomer(s) judged by the CBAT to have made the greatest contribution toward promoting an interest in the study of comets.

SAO employees associated with the CBAT, CSBN members, as well as members of their immediate families, are not eligible for the Award.

The Edgar Wilson Award is international in scope, and nationals of no country are excluded from consideration. An observer who suspects he or she has discovered a comet shall ensure that his or her discovery report reaches the CBAT according to the usual procedures. The CBAT shall maintain the necessary records and may contact the discoverers for eligibility documentation.

The decision of SAO (via the CBAT) is final and takes precedence over the description on this page.


The Astrophysical Journal
- Dynamics of Large-scale Coronal Structures 
as Imaged during the 2012 and 2013 Total Solar Eclipses.
Nathalia Alzate1, Shadia R. Habbal2, 
Miloslav Druckmüller3, 
Constantinos Emmanouilidis4, 
and Huw Morgan5
Published 2017 October 17 • © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. 
-The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 848, Number 2.

"....... Eclipse Observations and Ancillary Space-based Data.
The total solar eclipse white light images of 2012 and 2013, acquired by C. Emmanouilidis and processed by M. Druckmüller, are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Totality started at 20:37:39 UT on 2012 November 13 in Australia, when the Sun was at 13° above the horizon. A modified Canon 5D Mark I with an extended sensitivity in the red (in particular, for Hα) was used, with a Takahashi TSA102 refracting telescope with a 102 mm f/8 aperture and a Takahashi TOA-35 coma corrector. The image shown in Figure 1 is a composite of a sequence of exposure times ranging from 1/1000 to 8 s. On 2013 November 3, totality started at 13:52:40 UT in Gabon when the Sun was 45° above the horizon. A Takahashi FSQ-106 astrograph refracting telescope with a 106 mm f/5 aperture was used with a Nikon D7100, with exposure times ranging from 1/2000 to 8 s, which yielded the corresponding 2013 image (see Figure 2). A second wider-field telescope was also used. It consisted of a Takahashi FS-60C refracting telescope with a 60 mm f/6 aperture and its dedicated coma corrector. The telescope was attached to a modified Canon 350D DSLR camera to provide an extended sensitivity in the red and Hα. It provided the inset in Figure 2. ......"
Little Eyes on Large Solar Motions!
Me and a team of world leading experts in Solar physics, announced the discovery of two atypical large scale structures in the Sun's corona in a scientific paper that was published this month in The Astrophysical Journal. Later on it was selected as Research Highlight on AAS Nova web page!
With these data we proved that the Corona activity is much more intense than previously thought because high resolution images during the Solar maximum provided the missing pieces from the puzzle between two space observatories (SDO and SOHO) that can't image coronal features near the Sun's limb.
Contributing to real science isn't easy and definitely not always a fun process. Participating in a team with world experts on Solar Corona image processing and Solar Physics scientists is both an honour and a unique learning process. Kudos to all for this remarkable achievement!

Observations from small telescopes have provided this beautiful view of the solar corona during a solar eclipse in 2013. These data have helped researchers better understand what shapes the large-scale structure in the corona. [Alzate et al. 2017]
By  on
Images taken during the solar eclipse in 2012. The central color composite of the eclipsed solar surface was captured by SDO, the white-light view of the solar corona around it was taken by the authors, and the background, wide-field black-and-white view is from LASCO. The white arrows mark the “atypical” structure. [Alzate et al. 2017]
Same as the previous figure, but for the eclipse in 2013. [Alzate et al. 2017]

It seems like science is increasingly being done with advanced detectors on enormous ground- and space-based telescopes. One might wonder: is there anything left to learn from observations made with digital cameras mounted on ~10-cm telescopes?
The answer is yes — plenty! Illustrating this point, a new study using such equipment recently reports on the structure and dynamics of the Sun’s corona during two solar eclipses.


Solar Eclipse: View from Tidore, Indonesia
Constantine: "It was an unbelievable spectacle with a huge prominence!"
Date: March 9, 2016
Constantine Emmanouilidi: Diamond Ring Vs. Prominence.
I'm still amazed by the gorgeous combination of the Baileys Beads with this extraordinary prominence just next to it. We were very lucky on this one! The image was made with the smaller telescope with 60mm aperture.
Constantine Emmanouilidi: The corona structures were magnificent during the totality. I really enjoyed the three minutes of totality. To me it was three minutes of pure calmness! And the spectrometer showed that the sun is still very active, more to follow soon.

Nikos Plexidas: Κωνσταντίνε, ευχαριστούμε για τις υπέροχες εικόνες που μας μεταφέρεις....
Εμείς εδώ μακριά έστω και κατ ελάχιστο παρακολουθήσαμε την έκλειψη από το διαδίκτυο και πήραμε μια μικρή γεύση από αυτό το μοναδικής ομορφιάς γεγονός!!!!

Thanks to Constantine Emmanouilidi, amazing capture.

Finally the wait is over and the processing of the data from the Total Solar Eclipse from last March's eclipse is finished. Professor Dr. Miloslav Druckmuller, a world expert in processing images like these have created some mathematical methods to cope with the huge dynamic range in brightness of the Solar Corona. I collaborate with him since many years now and these results are always beyond our imagination!
For me since I'm an amateur astronomer and do it in a volunteer basis, beeing able to capture data that create images like these is like a dream coming true every time! It takes so much effort and multihour travelling to make an Eclipse expedition, but its so rewarding to get a glimpse of the internal solar corona with high detail! Look how many stars can be seen near the solar limb!
You can see high resolution versions in my facebook page called Infection Photography,www.facebook.com/infectionphoto
and my personal web page: http://www.stellar-explosions.com/


Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams


PSN J23164332+3359476, CBAT TOCP discovered 2015/07/28.001 by Constantine Emmanouilidi 

Found in UGC 12474 at R.A. = 23h16m43s.32, Decl. = +33°59'47".6 (= PGC 70909) 

Located 1" west and 3" north of the center of UGC 12474 (Discovery image
Mag 17.0:7/28, Type unknown

Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Πρώτη ανακάλυψη υπερκαινοφανούς από Ελληνική Ομάδα!Από τον Κωνσταντίνο Εμμανουηλίδη
μας ανακοινώθηκε η ανακάλυψη υπερκαινοφανούς από την Ελληνική Ομάδα Εύρεσης Υπερκαινοφανών (GSST) στον γαλαξία PGC70909.
Στις 28 Ιουλίου ένας εκ των παρατηρητών της ομάδας αναγνώρισε ένα αντικείμενο κοντά στον γαλαξία με φωτεινότητα 16.8mag.
Στην εικόνα αναφοράς που είχε η ομάδα στο αρχείο της από τις 18 Ιουλίου του 2007 δεν υπάρχει τίποτα στην θέση του ανιχνευμένου αντικείμενου και σε περαιτέρω ανάλυση το αντικείμενο δεν μετατοπίζοταν στις εικόνες.
Στις 29 Ιουλίου στις 3 το πρωί ο στόχος παρατηρήθηκε ξανά και εμφανίστηκε το αντικείμενο στο ίδιο σημείο με φωτεινότητα 16.2mag γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι η ανίχνευση έγινε στο αρχικό στάδιο που η παρατήρηση γίνεται και περισσότερο ωφέλιμη.
Η ανακοίνωση του στόχου έγινε στο Κέντρο Αστρονομικών Τηλεγραφημάτων (CBAT) και Ιαπωνας παρατηρητής επιβεβαίωσε λίγες ώρες αργότερα με απομακρυσμένη παρατήρηση από αστεροσκοπείο στην Ισπανία την ύπαρξη του υπερκαινοφανούς.
Μάλιστα η φωτομετρία της δεύτερης παρατήρησης από Θεσσαλονίκη ταιριάζει με αυτού του Ιάπωνα παρατηρητή στο 16.2mag.
Η Ομάδα ιδρύθηκε το 2003 και από τότε ψάχνει στον ουρανό για υπερκαινοφανείς.
Έχουν ανιχνέυσει αρκετές εκρήξεις μέχρι σήμερα αλλά ποτέ πρώτοι.
Αυτήν η παρατήρηση είναι και επίσημα η πρώτη ανακάλυψη υπερκαινοφανούς από την Ελλάδα και από Έλληνες παρατηρητές. 

Στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο μπορείτε να δείτε τις εικόνες της ανακάλυψης: 

Από το astrovox συγχαίρουμε τον Κωνσταντίνο και την ομάδα για αυτή τη σπουδαία επιτυχία και την ευόδωση πολυετών προσπαθειών!
Submitted by Constantinos Theodoridis (4676) 
on 2015-06-19T04:25:27Z
publicly visible: yes no

Job Status Job 1141374: Success


Center (RA, Dec):(4.570, 36.630)
Center (RA, hms):00h 18m 16.774s
Center (Dec, dms):+36° 37' 48.781"
Size:6.51 x 4.34 deg
Radius:3.910 deg
Pixel scale:6.03 arcsec/pixel
Orientation:Up is 180 degrees E of N
WCS file:wcs.fits
New FITS image:new-image.fits
Reference stars nearby (RA,Dec table):rdls.fits
Stars detected in your images (x,y table):axy.fits
Correspondences between image and reference stars (table):corr.fits
KMZ (Google Sky):image.kmz
Astrometry.net logoSigned in as Constantinos Theodoridis
Constantine Emmanouilidi. Το Άγιο Όρος είναι ένας τόπος για ηρεμία και προσευχή εκτός και αν κάποιος κοιτάξει ψηλά! Ο ουρανός είναι υπερβολικά δραστήριος με αεροπλάνα, δορυφόρους και μετέωρα να εμφανίζονται από το πουθενά. Από την κορυφή του όρους Άθως η θέα είναι μοναδική και είναι θαύμα που ο υπολογιστής άντεξε την επεξεργασία δεδομένων που συνολικά ξεπέρασαν τις 15 ώρες από το απόγευμα της μιας μέρας μέχρι το πρωί της επόμενης.
Busy sky over a holy place.
The image shows the peninsula of Agion Oros, in Chalkidiki Greece. I was located at the summit of the mountain Athos at 2030m shooting for over 14 hours to get enough data and create this composite that shows a double pass of the International Space Station, many airplanes, some more Iridium Satellites and quite a few meteors. It took me 10 hours to hike over the mountain with 50 kilos of equipment, another 14 hours to capture the data and another 15 hours to make the final image. A great experience with a lot of fun making all the details after many cups of coffee!
 Constantine Emmanouilidi 
 This morning I went to Chalkidiki on a beach called Kriaritsi to image comet Lovejoy. The temperature was -2 degrees Celsius but the sky was close to perfect! The image is an LRGB composition of a total exposure time around 90 minutes and it was made with a Takahashi FSQ106ED coupled with a SBIG STF8300 CCD camera. This is a first processing of the data which look quite interesting. The comet tail is amazing but for me the nucleus is even more intriguing!Κομήτης Lovejoy
EPOD is a service of NASA's Earth Science Division and the EOS Project Science Office 
(at Goddard Space Flight Center)and the Universities Space Research Association.


Pillar Over Paiko Mountain
July 10, 2013
PhotographerConstantinos TheodoridisConstantinos's Web site
Summary AuthorsConstantinos TheodoridisJim Foster

An attention-getting golden Sun pillar is shown above at sunset over Paiko Mountain in central Macedonia, Greece. This is an appropriate place for a pillar to adorn since at the foot of the mountain, in what was once Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, are the palaces of King Philip II and his son Alexander the Great. Pillars are formed by sunlight reflecting off hexagonal ice crystals that compose cirrus clouds. The crystals are similarly oriented and tipped in the direction of the observer. Because this is a reflection and not a refraction phenomenon, pillars aren't as brightly colored as halos and arcs. Photo taken on May 28, 2006.

Photo details: Olympus u-miniD camera; 1/200 sec. exposure; f 4.5; 9.77mm lens.
More photos :
Thursday, Jun. 27, 2013
PHOTOS OF THE SUPERMOON: The mainstream media called this past weekend's full Moon a "supermoon." On the beach in Halkidiki, Greece, however, it didn't seem so big. Photographer Theodoridis Constantinos found that it fit in the palm of an onlooker's hand:
Appearances notwithstanding, the supermoon was as much as 14% bigger than other full Moons of 2013. It only looks small in this picture because foreground objects affect our perception of size and distance. The human brain can be tricky in that way.
The scientific term for the supermoon phenomenon is "perigee moon." Full Moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon's orbit. The Moon follows an elliptical path around Earth with one side ("perigee") about 50,000 km closer than the other ("apogee"). Full Moons that occur on the perigee side of the Moon's orbit seem extra big and bright. On June 23rd, the Moon became full at 11:34 UT, only 23 minutes after perigee--a near-perfect coincidence that gave us an extra-bright, extra-big lunar orb.
More pictures of the super-perigee Moon may be found in the realtime photo gallery.Browse and enjoy.
C/2012/F6 (Lemmon)
Crop image from raw file, size: 2100X1392, (orig.size:3888 X 2592) Exp.180sec. F: 3.2. Canon400D Mod. 200mm Canon Lens. U.T.:01h.20m.09sec.2013 Jun.06.
Star α, Cassiopeiae, Comet C/2011 L4(PanSTARRS) and the secrets spy satelites USA238 and USA238DEB. Spacetrack catalog number 38758
COSPAR ID 2012-048-A
Name in Spacetrack catalog USA 238
Orbit  1,025 x 1,188 km, 63.4°
Country/organitisation of origin USA
Intrinsic brightness (Mag) 3.7 (at 1000km distance, 50% illuminated)
Maximum brightness (Mag) 3.8 (at perigee, 100% illuminated)
Info: http://www.heavens-above.com/satinfo.aspx?lat=48.5342&lng=9.0700&loc=T%FCbingen%2BAIT&alt=400&tz=CET&satid=38758
Comet C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) 200mm Canon Lens. F:2.8, at f:3.5, 2013/04/18 Day. U.T.:01h 25'03''
Exp.: 241sec. ISO: 800. Canon 350Dslr. At this time, with star Schedar, α Cassiopeiae, m: 2.24. 
D.:2013/03/10, Iso:400, f:5.6, Exp.: 4sec. U.T.: 19h 14' 43''

Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARSS). UT:17h14'43''. D.:2013/03/10  Canon Lens 200mm f:2.8 at f:5.6, 
                                                        Iso:400, Exp.:04sec. Canon350Drsl.
SPIRAL COMET TAIL: As Comet Lovejoy recedes intact from its Dec. 16th close encounter with the sun, researchers are pondering a mystery: What made the comet's tail wiggle so wildly in transit through the sun's atmosphere? The effect is clear in this sequence of extreme UV images recorded by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft:
IceInSpace - View Single Post - Kreutz SunGrazer Lovejoy
IceInSpace is a community website and forums, dedicated to amateur astronomy in Australia and New Zealand.